The Republican gift that keeps on giving

Republicans refusing to discuss immigration reform is the gift that keeps on giving. The Wall street journal, a conservative publication itself, ripped the Republicans for promising an immigration compromise, and then promptly denying its even possible.

I don’t know what the fuss is all about. I’ve been saying the Republicans feign interest in immigration reform when they need to, but then retreat to ultra-conservative party lines when the rubber actually meets the road.

In standard Orwellian fashion, the Republicans have shot themselves in the foot again, this time not even waiting until the end of the term to announce that immigration reform will not happen this year. That shows America they planned to sit on this issue, no matter how much it divides the country, until they think they can get it done the way they want it to get done. The old Republican refusal to negotiate stands as true today as it ever has.

Gridlock in Congress? The Republicans may well try to blame the Democrats, but I don’t thing they’re fooling anyone. How can anyone buy the “we refuse to negotiate and it’s the Democrats fault” excuse? Do the Republicans really think we’re that stupid?

I try to be impartial about politics in general. I don’t really care one way or another about Democrats or Republicans–Neither of them can seem to get anything done. What I do care about is what is being said, who is saying it, and how does that affect my family, and millions of other Americans like me, when it comes to keeping us all together. If the Democrats, or Peace and Freedom party, or the Green party, or anyone else, were pulling all this refusal to fix this system crap, I’d be angry at them. It just so happens that the majority of the stalemate in Washington, at least when it comes to the immigration fiasco, has Republican fingerprints all over it.


Hate groups thrive on immigration debate

The website, “Creeping Sharia” posted an anti-muslim article about foodstamp fraud in Maryland. The article, titled, “Maryland: Two More Muslims Arrested in $1.5M Food Stamp Fraud.”  quoted part of an article posted on the FBI website titled ” “Two More Retailers Arrested for Food Stamp Fraud”    Nowhere on the original FBI article did it mention muslims. How the authors of this site ascertained the religion of these individuals can only be deduced; if you have a middle-eastern name, you are a Muslim. What the Muslim religion has to do with the food stamp scam is still a mystery.

There is a banner prominently displayed at the top of the website that reads, “Stop Amnesty for Illigal Aliens,” and then lists a phone number. Hoping to speak with the creators of the blog, I called the phone number listed on the banner. A receptionist answered and asked me what state I was calling from. I told her, “California,” and she quickly routed me to another number and after a few rings I got Sen. Diane Feinstein’s message machine. I think I was supposed to leave a message against amnesty with her.

Trying to find anyone willing to stand up for this blog, I clicked on a bunch of links and although I didn’t find contact information for anyone behind the blog,  I did find a link to the American Freedom Law Center, among other smaller blogs. Could this organization be behind this article?

On another part of the page, again, prominently display is a quote about freedom of speech, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ~ George Washington

Below that quote is another ad with links to websites that teach you how to get around your government or company’s web filters.

  • Steps to bypass Internet Censorship

    If you are unable to access Creeping Sharia due to IP, corporate, government or other censorship, go here orhere for easy ways to access our content anywhere.

These guys are seriously fighting for free speech. Yay!

Oh, wait. Just a little further down the page they put up these links:

Seriously. There aren’t but a few inches separating these statements. You would think the author would see how hypocritical he was being and re-think his position. One can either be for censorship or freedom of speech–you cannot be for both.

So, once again, hiding behind the shadow of anonymity, are our would-be saviors. They must see themselves as superheros, you know, caped crusaders who hide behind a mask but fight for truth, justice and the American way. Someone should tell them that instead of Batman, they are acting more like the Penguin. Supervillains hide behind secret identities too, but their motives are much more self-serving.

There is a banner on this website that reads, “We remember 1915.” A link takes you to a website that tries to link the Ottoman empire to Adolph Hitler. 1915? Really, they remember that? Why? And even if they really could remember 1915, why would anyone want to?

“If we are to strive for world peace, we need to forget the wrongs that have been done to us and focus on the good we can do together. Anyone can go back thousands of years and find people who have been harmed in order to find justification for anger and resentment, but somehow we find it impossible to look one day into the future and see people doing good things for the justification of love and forgiveness.”

Plan A- Equality

There has been a lot of talk about what needs to be in our upcoming immigration bill. I have been debating this issue for a couple of years now and see that a sixth imperative needs to be added in order for any new immigration legislation to be truly successful.


Without Equality an immigrant will find this whole process less than fulfilling and almost certainly harmful.  If they are not 100% a part of our community, an immigrant will have no vested interest in helping us succeed. They could go back home at any time and compete against us, or otherwise help another country’s economy. With the recovery from the recent recession taking so long, we need all the help we can get right now getting our country back on track. We need more people creating jobs and providing affordable services.

Every US citizen needs to be equal in the eyes of the law and our government.

taxation_without_representationIf there is a sub-class of citizen who lives among us, works with us and pays their fair share of taxes, but who cannot vote or otherwise fully participate in their destiny, we will have failed to give all of our citizens equal access to the American Dream. If they can’t vote, they would be vulnerable to be treated like second class citizens by our government, police, and other institutions and groups of our society. If we have learned nothing else from our civil rights era, we should have at least learned this.

no_taxation_without_representation_mousepad-p144410742047262307envq7_400Taxation without representation was one of the precursors to our struggle for independence from England. If not being able to control our own destiny was a good enough reason to rebel against an oppressive government and seek our own self-determined solution, then why would we subjugate a portion of our society to suffer that same fate? This would be about as un-American an act as we could possibly inflict against a part of our society.

In order to appease the more conservative among us, if we accepted someone into our society and they committed some horrible act that warranted their expulsion, we should also have the right to revoke their citizenship and deport them, never allowing them to return. This should be the only difference between someone born on American soil, and someone adopted into our family. This would prevent them from becoming a disenfranchised part of our community, as well as protect us from someone who would do us great harm.

1115Q_CIVILhousing1_35p Equality should be the number one goal for all of our society. There are those among us today who are fighting for this very freedom and it should shame us to no end that we continue to allow this type of behavior to endure. A hundred years after the civil war gave slaves their freedom, African-Americans still had to fight for equality. Many still struggle today.



National_Association_Against_Woman_SuffrageAlmost a hundred years after women won the right to vote, they still fight to gain equal footing with men in many areas.  The rights for Gay men and women are being fought today and there is little sign that this will end any time soon. Dare we add another group of  Americans to this sad list of  persecuted and under-represented citizens?

What will it take for us to treat each other with dignity and respect, and become a truly civilized society?

Next week- Conclusion

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Republican congressman Bob Goodlatte- Immigration Zero

Republican congressman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia has drawn a line in the sand

by repeatedly stating he will not vote for any immigration reform that leads to a path to citizenship for the approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country.

He told a town hall meeting in the Shenandoah Valley in August, 2013, that,

“the House must chart its own course on immigration even if it never results in a bill President Barack Obama can sign.”

To further clarify his point, he said that,

“he’ll do everything he can to ensure the House never takes up the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill, which includes a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants in the country illegally.”

If you read the full article you will see he also places the blame for not passing immigration reform squarely on the Democrats by stating,

“The folks who want to have a path to citizenship have held everything else hostage.”

So, by his rationale, anyone who insists on something being in the future immigration reform bill is holding the legislature hostage, doesn’t that also apply to the Republicans for having the exact opposite position? After all, if you state you “will not vote for any immigration reform that leads to a path toward citizenship, and are going to make sure the House never takes up the Senate bill,” aren’t you, by the same standard, doing the exact same thing? And by refusing to put the Senate bill to a vote, isn’t that just like shooting the only horse in the race? It is, after all, the Democrats, along with a few Republicans, who have been working tirelessly to propose an immigration bill that the Republicans could get behind. All the Republicans have done is refuse to bring it to a vote.

Immigration Reform in 2014

We must ensure comprehensive immigration reform in 2014.

If we don’t make immigration reform a priority by December 1, 2014,we may not see another opportunity for years.

What will our country look like then?

It is no secret that the US immigration system is a mess. It is so out of touch with our society that even the people running it don’t know what to do. To deport or not to deport has become a heated argument all across America. The fact is, our immigration system has not been designed to achieve a unified strategic plan, so it doesn’t.  Instead, it has been cobbled together, one piece at a time, for over four hundred years. We have created laws that, at times, have been set up to achieve specific individual goals, such as keeping out people from specific nations, or allowing other European countries higher numbers of immigrants in order to keep our country light-skinned. We have never looked at our country and asked what it needs to grow and be healthy. We have only looked at our country with an eye towards protecting that with which we rightfully stole. Looking at the state of our country today and it is obvious very little has changed. We are still run by a paranoid minority that is trying to keep their hold on the country and keep “undesirables” out.  In a word, our immigration laws are “hateful,” and where hate is involved, the one thing our immigration laws don’t do is discriminate—they hate everyone.

  • They hate the schools and universities that try to strengthen our competitiveness in the face of global competition by limiting their access to bright young minds and deporting many graduates and pre-grads, who otherwise could have been high-value alumni donors.
  • They hate big business by limiting their access to the bright young people we educate so well. These corporations offer these students internships that train them with highly specialized skills, only to ship them back to their home countries where they become that same company’s chief competition.
  • They hate small businesses who need labor to flourish amidst the American obsession for ever cheaper goods and services in the aftermath of a national financial meltdown.
  • They hate the law’s enforcers who are confused as to whether or not to enforce the current laws on the books, or worse yet, are minimally trained in immigration law procedures but expected to perform immigration law enforcement duties.
  • They hate the politicians who must decide whether to submit to their party’s extremist policies to gain their support and watch their popularity among voters plummet, or give the voters what they ask for and risk the ire and abandonment of their party’s extremist kingmakers. Either way they stand to face almost certain failure in their next election cycle.
  • They hate American families who are already facing a high divorce rate by separating and deporting one or more parents from the family. Add to this a ban from re-entering the US for several years, and the family must struggle to survive more stress and endure more hardships than most successful families.
  • And let’s not forget the immigrants. It hates them by waving the jobs they seek in front of them and then criminalizing them for coming here and taking them.
  • It hates the migrant workers who normally return to their home country after harvest season, by increasing border security and forcing them to stay here, in a much more expensive society, all year round for fear of getting cut off from their livelihood.
  • It hates the solo worker who normally comes here for a year or two and sends money back home to raise and care for their family by forcing them to stay in the US indefinitely, forever cut off from their home and family, for fear they might not make it back to their jobs when they need to get back to work.
  • Most of all, our immigration system hates our children. It casts a shadow over their lives with the threat of ripping their parents, relatives, neighbors and classmates right out of their lives overnight, without warning. When this actually happens, it shocks and disrupts them so violently and completely, we are certain to see a new generation of rebellious young US citizens who hate our laws and authority figures. Expect to see them wreaking havoc on our society very soon.


Our current immigration system works against every person in the United States. This situation has been like this for many, many years, and it gets worse with each passing day.

So why haven’t we fixed it already?

The answer is obvious—it’s right in front of us every time we read or watch a news cast about the deadlock in congress over immigration reform legislation.

Our political system has failed us.

What should our immigration and naturalization system do for our country?

  1. Allow our schools to train the best minds from around the world
  2. Allow our corporations access to recruit, train and retain the brightest minds from around the world.
  3. Allow our small businesses to access the labor pool they need in order to be competitive and give the American people access to the goods and services they need.
  4. Protect our families and prevent the breakup of otherwise peaceful and law-abiding citizens.
  5. Protect our children by not depriving them of the parents they need to raise them.
  6. Keep our politicians from sabotaging our efforts at establishing fair and successful immigration laws.
  7. Protect our families from Drugs and criminals who would do harm to our families and neighborhoods.
  8. Create an inviting and rewarding environment for workers from around the world to support their families as they see fit whether that be sending money home, seasonal work or bringing their families with them to create the life they desire.
  9. Incentivize immigrants who are already in our country to step forward and become a legal and welcome part of our society.
  10. Ensure for the safety and well being of immigrants who don’t wish to be citizens.
  11. Have this system be self-funding so as not to burden the American people with the problems of the world.
  12. Train people to support and carry out the laws that we create to do these things, and give them the tools and support to do this.
  13. Give citizenship to anyone who joins our military.

Can you think of anything else our immigration laws should do for our country and for the immigrant labor and brainpower we are going to need to compete in the 21st century?

Rep. Scott DesJarlais, R-Tenn- Immigration Zero

Rep. Scott DesJarlais, a Republican from Tennessee has shown his support for the Conservative Republican platform. He values the enforcement of dysfunctional laws over compassionate reform.

During a town hall meeting the congressman was asked by an 11 year old girl if we should allow her father to be able to stay in the US. His answer was not very compassionate, but he garnered cheers from some in the audience, and he was pretty happy with that. Keeping families together is apparently not a big priority for the Republican party, which is contradictory to it’s stated “Christian family values” platform. Someone needs to tell this guy what the value of an American family should be, and then ask him, “what would Jesus do? He obviously is just along for the ride on the Republican “Tea Party”  train, which puts punishment before reform. See the interaction HERE.